Do You Need to Find a Way to stop losing time to the endless black hole of nothingness?

No more hours in the day? Always feeling behind? Never know what to do next because there is soooo much? Ever double-booked and had to say no to something you really wanted to do?

OMG IKR! This used to happen to me allllll the time...

This is your chance to Streamline those repetitive tasks that drive you bonkers... Get back those lost hours... Know exactly what to do next... And never be double-booked again...

5 Days of Apps that Automate for Small Business

Discover ways to automate things in your business and learn how to leverage them to take back your workweek for a one time cost of $127

Areas You Can Automate

Client Management

Keep the human and VIP feel without losing your mind or sounding like a robot so that you can make everyone feel like a million bucks and special as all get out

Website & Social

Keep your costs down without losing your online reputation or burning out trying to do it all yourself so that you can splurge on that thing you've been daydreaming about


Focus on massive money-making tasks without losing momentum so that you can enjoy all the money you are going to make while not sending endless scheduling emails...

In this 5 Day Series, you will...

🔥 Evaluate your tech/tools/lack thereof

🔥 Learn how tools can automate different parts of your business

🔥 Know what you want to start using right now and how to choose tools in the future

🔥 Be able to implement and integrate at least one new tool into your business

🔥 Have a plan for the way forward to more automation so that you can take back your workweek

This is for Anyone Who...

  • works for themselves
  • works for someone else
  • doesn't work but has volunteer obligations
  • has tasks that they are tired of repeating and want a simpler way to do things
  • gets annoyed when there are 6 emails/texts to schedule a meeting
  • can't find that thing they wrote that one day about that thing that was really important
  • copied something to copy-paste and promptly forgot and copied something else, gah!

Breakdown of Days

Day 1 - Taking Inventory and Decision Trees

Get familiar with your apps/ tools and how to decide what to implement next

Day 2 - Client/Relationship Management and Email

Jump into client/relationship management and how to make your email work for you

Day 3 - Connecting all the Things and Mapping Automations

We're connecting all the things and you'll learn how to map your automations. We'll also daydream a bit and prioritize your automations.

Day 4 - Strategies, Timelines, Implementing, Oh My!

This day is all about strategies, planning, creating timelines, and how to intentionally implement so that you don't start this process but never finish because you burnt out 3/4 of the way through. I got you!

Day 5 - Delegating, Collaborating, and SOPs

We'll cover what to delegate, who to delegate to, how to delegate (phew), best practices on collaborating and last but not least SOPs (standard operating procedures).

What's Included for the One Time Cost of $127?

5 Days of Instruction

Video instruction and your questions answered inside the members area.

Actionable Info

Leave each session with something you can implement DIY or delegate to your team.

Worksheets and Q&A

There are pretty worksheets and planner type things! Also email support is included 🥰

Here are a few of the Apps we will cover

Everything Google

This means Drive, Docs, Sheets, and Forms. By the end, you'll know the best practices and a few ways I've leveraged them to automate my business.

Airtable - Spreadsheets with Dynamic Options

I could fill hours upon hours with everything I want to share with you about Airtable. I'll keep it succinct and actionable, I promise 😘

Ditto - Copy-Paster People Rejoice - this one's for you

Literally life-changing for PC's. I rounded up alternatives for you Apple's too 😉

Loom - for the moments where an email isn't enough but another meeting is to much

The title says it all. We'll cover how you can use this free tool to up-level your client interactions and make a memorable connection.

Canva - how you can streamline your social and content creation

You may already be using this, but are you being efficient? We'll dig into what that can look like and how to leverage this free resource.

Meeting Schedulers - the good, the bad, the ugly

We'll cover a few at the big picture level focusing on how you can integrate them even if you aren't booking one on one clients.

And more... This isn't an all inclusive list

Yes, I will actually pack more in. 😉

© 2024 Gael Gilliland